Center Stage for the Best and Worst
Welcome to the new, albeit poor, home of Reel Advice, one of the web's most popular and widely read movie-based columns. There's a lot of people willing to make that claim, but I'll back it up with a readership of over one million estimated readers.
Widely read and hosted just as widely, Reel Advice is the home for the straightest, most insightful, and most entertaining advisories on the best and worst on the video shelves.
Check out the Reel Advice credo on the "About" page, and links to my other providers on the "Links" page. |
Updates Weekly, Right Here
Reel Advice updates every Tuesday right here, and on all my affiliated sites whenever they actually manage to post my updates. Check the "What's New" section to read this week's Reel Advice. |
If I Ever Actually Have Anything New To Say, It Goes Right Here.
This is where I give you information.
Where you can buy copies of my book, for example.
Where you can send huge masses of email to coerce the media into doing my bidding by way of plugging their inboxes.
Where you can...um...send me...pie?
But the specifics aren't important! The concept is what matters! |
News! Truly!
Okay, for those of you who've actually started showing up on the site, you've got a reason to come back, now. For a limited time only, never before seen reviews will be posted HERE ONLY. That's right--while my member sites get ONE review, the main site gets a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REVIEW, only available right here.
Check out the boxcar on Brett Piper's train wreck of a career--"Arachnia" on the "What's New" page.
Consume, Piggies! Consume!
Buy things from me! End the popup insanity and make Reel Advice a popup-less, interstital-deprived, banner-free site! I got a newsletter you can subscribe to if I get enough interested people, there might be merchandise, or raffle tickets or pretty much anything. Drop me a line at the email address directly to the right of what I'm saying right here, and I'll fill you in. |

It's a Nice Picture, Isn't It?
My email address is like right underneath this sentence. Seriously.
Requests? Gripes? Bored? Drop Me A Line! |